Sunday, 29 July 2012

Welcome onboard!

Calling out to all freshies! All of you should have received a confirmation of acceptance into Hall 10 FOC 2012. If you have, below are some information that you should know!

Collection of keys start tomorrow afternoon (30 July, Monday) at the Main Communal Hall building. A booth will be set up outside the Hall Office, and your friendly seniors will be there to hand over your keys! However, do note that the acceptance fee that you've paid for hall accommodation only accounts for your stay from 1st August onward. That means if you collect your keys early, there will be an extra charge of $13 per day up to 1 August. We do encourage you to collect your keys early though, so that you have time to unpack and get accustomed to your new home, and you'll be ready for the Official Landing on 1st August!

Do take a quick check on the packing list (which can be found on the information page) to ensure that you're fully equipped for the trip to Planet X. On top of the items in your packing list, you can also bring items (Such as your laptop, speakers, books etc.) to spice up your new rooms and make it more like your second home! Please be reminded to bring along your own pillow and bedsheet (as well as your bolsters, blankets and cuddly toys), as they aren't provided by the Hall Office.

A pre-camp will be held at Jurong Central Park on 30 July (Monday), 3-5pm. That is where you will get to meet and interact with all your fellow seniors, and clarify any doubts and questions regarding Operation Exodus if you have any. More info regarding the pre-camp can be found in the information page.

For freshies who have not been accepted into the camp, or did not manage to register in time, do not fret! The Freshmen Orientation Camp is only 5 days out of your entire stay in Hall 10. There will be plenty of opportunities to mingle around with your fellow freshies and seniors. There will be plenty of block activities, as well as activities (such as night cycling, sports events, festival celebrations and even overseas trips) organised by special committees in Hall. The first activity that you can look forward to is the Freshmen Welcome Dinner, which will be organised on the first or second week of school. This is a dinner specially organised by all freshmen by the Hall Fellows and seniors, and it will be a good opportunity to know everyone from your block. Stay tuned for more details!

Lastly, do refer to the Hall 10 FOC Guide for Freshmen for more details regarding the camp and Hall life. We hope to see you all soon in Hall!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Doors closing soon...

Hi all! Registration for Operation Exodus will be closing soon! We hope that over the past few days we were able to convince you to join us on this exciting journey. If you are interested but have not registered yet, please do so immediately as registration will be closing in an hours' time! Registration details and instructions can be found here.

We are aware that some of you are interested in joining us, but aren't able to send over the form in time due to personal and school commitments. If so, please email us to inform about your situation, and complete the registration process as soon as your situation allows! We still accept registration forms after 25th July (but not after 1st August please :(  ), but these will be reviewed on a case-to-case basis.

For those who have completed their registration process and recieved an email reply from us, we will be contacting you as soon as tomorrow (26th July) to update you on the status of your registration, so do stay tuned to your mobile phone or email inboxes. Do visit this blogsite often too, as we'll be updating this blogsite with administrative instructions for the FOC as well as moving in to hall.

Once again, if you're interested in joining us but have not registered, please do so now! We look forward to seeing all of you during the Official Landing, as well as having a great time during Operation Exodus!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Final Registration!

Hi all! Registration for Operation Exodus ends tomorrow (25 July, Wednesday). Are you still making up your mind whether to join this FOC?

A saying goes "A picture speaks more than a thousand words", so we shall not bore you with words. We shall show you pictures from the previous FOC!

Please be reminded that registration ends tomorrow. Act fast!

Hungry for more pictures? More of them can be found in the Operation Exodus' Guide for Freshmen, along with all that you need to know and prepare for this FOC. Click me to download the ebook!

Monday, 23 July 2012

The Story, in Light Speed

We know that the story behind Operation Exodus is a bit lengthy and complex, with all the catastrophes and migrations and conflicts and such. Hence, we have made a crash-course trailer!

This is only a small preview of the full opening ceremony video which will be screened during the Official Landing.

Will Operation Exodus be a safe and sound journey for the four spaceships?
What challenges await for TEN?
What mysterious occurrences will we encounter in Planet X?

Find out more during the video screening on Official Landing. You can even be part of this exciting and adventurous experience by signing up for Operation Exodus!

Click me for registration details!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

A guide to Operation Exodus!

TEN Presents to you: A Guide to Planet X!

In this guide, you can find:

- The background behind Operation Exodus.
- A comprehensive summary of the details and essentials for the FOC.
- A message that the spaceship captains have left for all explorers.
- Sneak preview of the FOC activities!
- An insight into life in Hall 10!

All the information you need for Operation Exodus on 1st August have been compiled and compacted into this small e-book for you! Download it and carry it around with you, and refer to it as and when you need it. You may never need this blogsite again! Please refer back to this blogsite often for the latest updates regarding Operation Exodus!

Click me to download the e-book!

On another note,

The information page has also been updated with the complete packing list, as well as details for the Operation Exodus Precamp Session on 30th July 2012. Click here to find out more!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

What's in for us in Planet X?

You might have registered for Operation Exodus, or you might still be considering. But for all of you who are on this blogsite right now, the most pressing question that you'all may have is: Whats in for us at Operation Exodus?

The answer to this question can be summarized into the 3Fs:

FAMILIARIZATION! One would feel lost when confronted with a new surrounding and an unfamiliar way of life/studies. That's what we are here for! We will be bringing you around NTU (as well as Singapore) to familiarize you with the facilities (and food) in NTU and Hall 10. Us seniors will also be there to share our experiences with you, as well as share some tips that would save you time and effort when dealing with schoolwork and life in NTU!

FUN! You might have heard that life in university is all about mugging and writing reports (true to some extent), or that life in university is all about having fun before all of us are thrown into the working world for good (also true to a large extent). But Operation Exodus is the best way to kick-start your new phase of life in university! With sports and games lined out throughout the five days, it will be a fun roller-coaster ride (less of scary and more of happy) to energize you for the new school term. We assure you that you'll never be bored!

FRIENDS! You'll get to know and form bonds with people from your block, from Hall 10 and even from around school! These friendships will extend beyond the short 5-day duration of this camp, to the meal sessions, birthday celebrations, barbeque parties and hall activites (even all the way to exam mugging sessi
ons!). Rest assured that even if you come alone, you'll never feel lonely with us around!

We hope that we have given you enough reasons to sign up for OPERATION EXODUS.

If we do, please click here for instructions to register for the Hall 10 FOC 2012!
If not, we have more exciting and juicy stuff coming up on this blogsite... stay tuned!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Let's get onboard! Registration Details

Are you a freshmen from Hall 10, 
seeking for the adventure that is Freshmen Orientation Camp 2013?
It appears you have been following the wrong map... there is no adventure here (left)!


Hi incoming freshmen! We bet that you are all eager to join us at the Hall 10 Freshmen Orientation Camp on the 1st of August, and we are hell as eager to meet you too! But before all the fun starts, there is still one very important thing that you need to do, that is to REGISTER for the camp!

By now you all might have received instructions on how to apply for FOC already. But bear with us! There are still a few more important steps to go ~

1) Download the Hall 10 FOC Application cum Indemnity Form from the JHOC website here - 

2) Print it out, fill it up and sign where required.

3) Scan it and send a soft copy to us at (If you dont have a scanner, you could alternatively use a camera to take a digital picture of the filled-up form, or use a Paint program to create a digital signature).

4) Bring the hard copy of the Joint Hall FOC Application Form, and submit it to us on the first day of camp!

The official deadline for registration is on the 25th of July. We urge you to act fast, as application is based on first-come-first-served basis.

We look forward to seeing you (with your indemnity forms and JHOC application forms) on the 1st of August!

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Ready... Get set...

The full blogsite is now up and running!

You can now check up the detailed information for Operation Exodus under the Information page. The packing list will be up shortly, and we'll make sure you'll have enough time to pack what you need for this camp. There will also be more juicy previews and information coming up, so do keep an eye on the Information page.

Registration information is now up at the Registration page, but you'll have to wait till the release of your Hall Allocation results on 20th July (and confirm that you're coming to Hall 10) before you can start applying!

If you've any nagging doubts, just refer to the FAQ section. If your doubts are still unresolved, just zap us an email at, and we'll answer them in a jiffy.

Lastly, check up who's behind the Operation Exodus in the Profile page. We hope to see you on the trip to Planet X on 1 August 2012!

OPERATION EXODUS - Senior's Registration

Registration for OPERATION EXODUS is now open for seniors!

Whats in for seniors in this camp?
- A chance to interact with our new freshies!
- Bonding with the freshies through the various fun games and activities (and HTHTs)
- SP Dinner
- The basics, such as meals, transportation and the awesome Senior's FOC Shirt!
- ... and more mysteries of Planet X that have yet to be discovered...

Just fill up the form here!

Please register by 25th July (Wednesday), after which we may not be able to register for your meals and T-shirt sizes. Also,indicate the days that you'll be coming for the camp in the form, so that we can arrange for meals and transportation accordingly.

Also, for FOC committee members, programmers, GLs or SAs, please sign up through the form too as we need to tally the numbers for logistics purposes.

Lastly, remember to bring the camp fees ($50 for the full duration, $30 for 3 days or lesser) on day 0 and hand in to the respective block CGLs.

We hope to see you onboard the spaceship during Operation Exodus!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

FOC 2012 Senior's Camp - Recce Mission

Amidst the rumours of 2012 being the end of the world, NASA has comissioned TEN, a committee to find another habitable planet. After years of research, a tenth planet has been identified with the necessary resources for human survival. The problem is, no man has been there before.

A new set of knowledge and challenges await. Be amongst the first to explore what lies in this homely yet mysterious planet.

Join us for the Hall 10 FOC 2012 Senior's Camp!
Facebook event page -

Date - 9 Jun 2012 (Sat)
Time - 9 am - 9 pm

Monday, 21 May 2012

Once upon a time, in 2012...

An all-new journey awaits those who are coming to Hall 10, the new second home. This will be new start, a fresh experience, and probably the most memorable experience in your life so far.

Stay tuned for registration details!
For freshmen, you will be recieving confirmation of your place in hall 10 and will recieve the registration instructions for Operation Exodus. If you're coming to Hall 10, we look forward to your participation in the Hall 10 FOC!
For seniors, the online registration form will be up, once we have gathered all the resources ready to embark on our journey to Planet X.

Read the story here!

Friday, 16 March 2012

2012 Singlet Sales

Is it The End?
Or is it NOT the end?

Make clear your stand with a 2012 Singlet!

It is "predicted" that the human race will come to a demise on December 23, 2012. You may consider it to be a pressing issue, or just another rumour. What better way is there to make known what you think about 2012 than to wear it for all to see? We've got "THE END" singlets for the "believers", as well as "NOT The End" singlets for "non-believers". It is a fun and relaxing way to express your stand, and distracts from the academic/speculative theories that all of us have gotten tired or bored of.

Even if the theme of 2012 is totally irrelevent to you, you can also express your mood or character via these singlets! We have the dark, black "THE END" singlet for the gloomy and withdrawn, and the bright, orange "NOT The End" singlets for the happy and outgoing. Or you could even buy both and change between designs depending on whether it is a rainy or sunny day!

Each singlet costs $10 while each set(black+orange) costs $18. For orders, please comment on this wall with your name, contact number, email address and singlet size. Payment details will be posted up on this wall at a later date, so do keep a lookout for updates! All orders are strictly payment-before-delivery, but rest assure that the singlets will be there, and you won't be disappointed. Singlets will likely arrive 3-5weeks from now.


Here's wishing everyone a fulfilling and exciting year 2012!

Price: $10 each, $18 per set
Available sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

For enquiries and orders, please email us at

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Canvassing event: Flowers for performers!

Awed by the cheerleaders' stunts during Hall Olympiad?
Or touched by the cultural groups' performances during Flashback?

Want to show them some form of appreciation for their efforts and hard work?

The "traditional" way works the best -
Give them some flowers!

The Hall 10 Freshmen Orientation Camp committee will be selling flowers for canvassing during the Hall Olympiad and Cultural Night. Just fill up the online pre-oder form. Your flowers can be collected on the date of the event itself (so that it will remain fresh and smelling good!), where you can present to the hardworking cheerleading and cultural groups people after their dazzling performances!

Place your orders by filling up the online form here: .

Preorder date - 1 Feb (Wed) to 7 Feb (Tues)
Preorder form -
Flowers - Red roses ($5) / pink roses ($5) / sunflowers ($7)

Collection -

Date: Wed, 8th February.
Time: 5pm
Venue: Communal Hall

Date: Thur, 9th February.
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: NAFA Reception

We wish you a wonderful time at Hall opening/cultural night!